Saint Augustine’s University was chartered as a “Normal School and Collegiate Institute” on July 19, 1867, J牧师.  布林顿·史密斯博士.D., secretary of the Freedman’s Commission of the Protestant Episcopal Church, 以及托马斯·阿特金森牧师, D.D.他是北卡罗来纳教区的主教.  Bishop Atkinson became the first president of the Board of Trustees and Dr. 史密斯是第一任校长. The new school opened its doors for instruction on January 13, 1868. 

In 1893, the School’s name changed from Saint Augustine’s Normal School to Saint Augustine’s School. In 1919, 更名为圣奥古斯丁初级学院, the first year in which postsecondary instruction was offered. 该学院于1927年成为一所四年制大学. In 1928, the institution was renamed Saint Augustine’s College. 学士学位最早颁发于1931年.

在牧师的指导下. 亨利B. Delany, the students quarried the stones for the construction of the Saint Augustine’s Historic Chapel, 并于1895年奠定了基石. 该建筑于1895年12月完工. Finally on October 11, 1897, the chapel was consecrated “圣奥古斯丁礼拜堂” by the Rt. 牧师. 约瑟夫·Blount 柴郡, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina. The Chapel is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

In 1896, the College further extended its mission by establishing St. 艾格尼丝医院 and Training School for Nurses to provide medical care for and by African Americans. It was the “first” school of nursing in the state of North Carolina for African-American students and served as the only hospital that served African Americans until 1960. 其中之一. 艾格尼丝最著名的病人是拳击手杰克·约翰逊. Following an accident that ultimately led to his death in 1946, boxer Jack Johnson was taken to St. 艾格尼丝医院. Johnson was the first African-American world heavyweight boxing champion.

Another “first” Saint Augustine’s University is especially proud of is that the University was the nation’s first historically black university to own an on-campus commercial radio station (WAUG-AM 750) and television station (WAUG-LD). WAUG 750目前重播嘻哈和R&来自Hot 97的B.9 FM. WAUG-LD目前在当地电视8台播出, Spectrum 1231现在在Roku上有流媒体应用程序, 苹果电视和亚马逊FireTV.

从它存在的开始, Saint Augustine’s University has blazed the trails in academics. 女校友 安娜·朱莉娅·库珀, 谁是一位杰出的作家, 教育家、学者, became the fourth African-American woman in United States to earn a doctoral degree. 今天, Saint Augustine’s University is proud of preserving its legacy by continuing to ensure scholars are academically equipped to be the global change agents of tomorrow.

猎鹰不仅在学术上飞黄腾达,在体育运动中也一样. The men’s track and field team has experienced the victory of being Number #1 on numerous occasions. Saint Augustine’s University’s track and field programs have won an astounding 39 national championships, and have produced over 40 Olympians including three gold medalists.

8月1日, 2012, Saint Augustine’s College transitioned in name and status to Saint Augustine’s University.

In 2020, the University became the first historically black university to start a cycling team, 并在2022年率先组建女子赛艇队.

Saint Augustine’s University has a strong tradition of excellence and a rich legacy that bonds thousands of Saint Augustine’s University sons and daughters from across the globe.


Aldert Smedes

阿蒙J. Derosset

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J. 布林史密斯


约瑟夫·B. 柴郡

坎普P. 战斗

理查德·H. 史密斯

理查德·S. 梅森


威廉R. 考克斯


牧师撰写. 妮塔伯德

The patron Saint of Saint Augustine’s University is Augustine of Hippo. 圣奥古斯丁出生于11月13日, 公元354年在塔加斯特, 努米底亚, 北非的一个省,位于今天的阿尔及利亚. 他的父亲不是基督徒, 但圣莫尼卡, 他的母亲, 是一个虔诚的基督徒,经常为奥古斯丁祈祷. These were much needed prayers for Augustine because he scorned Christian doctrine and scriptures, lived a notorious lifestyle and followed the teachings of the heretical Manicheans, a group who distorted Christian teachings and rejected the Old Testament. The Manicheans with their dualistic understanding of the human condition gave Augustine the license to escape any form of moral responsibility. 然而, the prayers of 他的母亲 were answered when Augustine heard the preaching of Saint Ambrose of Milan. It was not long before he converted to Christianity under the tutelage of Saint Ambrose. Subsequent to his baptism, he became a priest and later a bishop.

Saint Augustine is one of the most famous and influential theologians and writers of Western Christianity. He was a strong supporter of the poor and a defender of orthodox Christianity. His autobiographical work Confessions is a classic of western literature, and provides inspiration to anyone who strives to live a virtuous life. Augustine’s writings describe our dependency on God for the grace to live a holy life, 表达我们人类对上帝的渴望. 他州, 你唤醒我们,好叫我们赞美你,使我们喜乐, 因为你创造了我们,吸引我们归向你, and our heart is unquiet until it rests in you” (Confessions, 书(1). The restlessness in the human heart that longs for God is represented by Saint Augustine’s symbol, 一颗燃烧的心, 被箭刺穿. The flaming heart symbolizes Saint Augustine’s love of God and humanity, while it is alive and restless with a desire to know God’s divine love. The arrows piercing the heart represent God’s love piercing our hearts. Such an image reminds us that because we are made in the image of God we must be in relationship with God. We share the common call on our lives to be continually formed into God’s perfect image of love – the same call that pierced Saint Augustine’s heart causing him to seek God in all things.


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